Kenya’s diverse weather patterns all year depend on its equatorial location on the Earth and what month its climate resides in. The climate in Kenya depends on the geography and how warm/ humid the Indian Ocean is. At times, the Indian Ocean may be cooler, meaning Kenya Is cooler or Warmer during that season. According to the author, it stated “depending on which region Kenya is is all dependent on it and what month it is on annual average rainfall constitutes between 200 and 600 mm and its averaged temperatures yearly is between 23 and 34 degrees celsius (Journey’s by design, 2023).  Since Kenya has a lot of land and different regions within Kenya, each region has its own climate, which makes it difficult to generalize the Kenyan weather. Even though generally you cannot generalize the weather, you could apply some tips universally to its climate. The weather is dictated by monsoon winds, which help bring its high temperatures down to a more cooling effect, while the winds encourage the country’s rainy season, which is the longest because it lasts from April to June (Zijlma, 2020). These climate patterns in Kenya are crucial to its development because Its climate dictates how the Kenyan people need to adapt to their environments. 

               Kenya has some of the most diverse climates because since Kenya is located near the equator it is often hot throughout the year but yet still has signs of varying temperatures which result in cooler months too. Unfortunately, it is faced with climate change which Kenyan people find hard to be able to adapt to because of the ludicrous cycles that are no longer as reliable as they once were because of the result of climate change has impacted the country. According to the author,  it states “It has gotten so bad in Kenya that the worst drought in ages has happened where killing livestock and landscapes disappearance has created a famine crisis where communities in Kenya are fighting against each other for the limited resources (Hewson & Smith, 2022). In order to combat this issue there are some solutions which the  Kenyan government could consider in order to navigate this pressing issue. According to the author, it states “ the allocation of 5.2 million dollars to support the allocation of food, get assistance from the UN to help the Kenyan government with financial resources and inform the people of Kenya ahead of time to help avert the dyer emergencies in which Kenya as a country could be better prepared (Rachael, 2023). In other words, Kenya’s effect from climate change has resulted in people not being able to have enough food to survive which is causing a lot of starvation and crop deficiency which results in people not being able to have the natural resources they need to be able to sustain itself as a country.

Page Author: Valerie Waldron