
Hello there in Kenya’s Swahili dialect “Jambo” We welcome you to our website. Introducing every investor who wants to support our vision and to our beloved customers whom we hold dear. We most welcome you to our very own fashion house called “Hodari” meaning versatility in Swahili; which perfectly reflects the intentions of proving how versatile it is if you were to wear the “Kikoi” textile/garment and still find new ways to style it in your day to day and originating from Kenya. Hodari Fashion Industries is recognized for producing the closest authentic indigenous textiles it’s ever seen with its very own twist to the “Kikoi”.

Kikois are worn mainly as a form to communicate and self-express with a wide array of tribes sending messages that convey a political or social expression that expresses someone’s personal style/ voice. 

Welcome to our page! 

Thank you for your business. 


Hodari Fashion Industries