Figure 16.
The population of Kenya as of 2019 by ethnic group

Kamer (2022) provides commentary that Kenya has more than 40 ethnic groups, but the Kikuyu, the largest ethnic group in Kenya, constitutes a Bantu group with more than eight million people. The population is divided into three language groups: Bantu, Nilo-Saharan, and Afro-Asiatic; Bantu is the largest (Statista, 2022).
Figure 17.
Kenya: Age structure from 2011 to 2021

O’Neill (2023) provides commentary on the age structure of the people in Kenya; as of 2021, 58.76% of the population ranges from 15-64 years old.
Figure 18.
Kenya Religious Affiliation, 2019

Religion plays a significant role in the life of most Kenyans, and Kenya’s religion in Kenya is not mutually exclusive. However, Christianity is the country’s most influential and dominant religion. Protestantism is a branch of Christianity; more than four-fifths of the people in Kenya follow Christian values (Scroope, 2018).
Figure 19.
Kenya Completion Rate of Education, 2019

Education in Kenya consists of a three-level educational system. Beginning at six years old, students will obtain a primary education, four years at the secondary level, and four years of higher education (ZoeTalentSolutions, 2023).
Page Author: Jailine Collado