My responsibilities

The work environment varies between departments. They dress depending on what their job title is. Since the office consists of lab, roasting, computers, and coffee bar space, the worker’s outfits are different. Everyone’s hours were always different as well and even their work site. As far as know, I think only one person out of all the staff is able to work from home and that was my supervisor. Of course the photographer and designer are also able to work from home, I was also able to. I worked from home and other sites when I had to get content. When I was editing, I stayed in the office to see what was needed and to make sure I was getting the work done like they wanted. After most of that was clarified, I was able to finish my project from home. My schedule consisted of me going to LIC after my barista shift and traveling to other work sites. Most of it happened between 1pm-7pm on the weekdays and sometimes on the weekend if needed.

My role is to produce content showing our products and how to use them. I will also be recording day to day operations on how the team works and interact with each on a regular work day, kind of like a behind the scenes. I’m also going to be directing and filming videos in different stores and in different areas in NYC. I like my work schedule because I’m not always in one spot. I’m traveling so means I film in different areas and I can edit in one spot, other places, or at my house. I also look that I can dress any way I want. Especially since it’s summer and I have to go around, it’s better so I can feel the most comfortable.