Obtaining the internship

Obtaining an internship wasn’t as difficult as I had originally thought. I already know several people in companies and I had spoken with them about an internship. A slight problem was that one of the internships wanted me to travel for it. I would have been doing film, editing, and campaigns, but in various states. I would have loved to do it but was in no position to be traveling. I work as a barista in a NYC based coffee company and so I decided to ask if I can do an internship with them or at least work with them in their design & media department.

The coffee industry is full of packaging, design, advertising, and media. I figured I’d do my internship in the coffee industry since it would combine my love for coffee and shooting. I asked my current company that I’m working for, and they loved the idea. They are already familiar with my work and had even reminded me that we had talked about me being involved in the creative department when I came in for my barista interview.

Their head of operations is currently located in Long Island City, Queen. They do work primarily in NYC. They also do some in New Jersey but plan on expanding internationally. I’m excited to be working in their creative department because they can also connect me to bigger coffee companies about my work.

About the company

I had spoken to one of the co-founders of the company about a role in the creative department and she said it was possible. A week before the course started I went in to the office for an interview. The co-founder connected me with the marketing executive. I was told right away I would be involved and the questions I was being asked was about my skills and career future. They asked me questions about what softwares I’m more comfortable with, such as photoshop, lightroom, and if I know how to use an 3D model softwares. I was asked wether I would like to make a switch from barista to the creative department. I was asked if about how fast I can work, wether I can work with other people, and if I was okay with traveling to other shops for content.

It was an interesting interview because although I already knew my way around the company, I discovered some other stuff that they don’t really talk about. I found out where they shoot videos, how their creative department functions. I’m really excited about being a part of their team.

Obtaining an internship

Obtaining an internship wasn’t as difficult as I had originally thought. I already know several people in companies and I had spoken with them about an internship. A slight problem was that one of the internships wanted me to travel for it. I would have been doing film, editing, and campaigns, but in various states. I would have loved to do it but was in no position to be traveling. I work as a barista in a NYC based coffee company and so I decided to ask if I can do an internship with them or at least work with them in their design & media department.

The coffee industry is full of packaging, design, advertising, and media. I figured I’d do my internship in the coffee industry since it would combine my love for coffee and shooting. I asked my current company that I’m working for, and they loved the idea. They are already familiar with my work and had even reminded me that we had talked about me being involved in the creative department when I came in for my barista interview.

Their head of operations is currently located in Long Island City, Queen. They do work primarily in NYC. They also do some in New Jersey but plan on expanding internationally. I’m excited to be working in their creative department because they can also connect me to bigger coffee companies about my work.

Personal Logo

Here I have my personal logo which uses the first letters of my first name and last name. Doing a logo for myself is something that I should’ve done a long time ago but just hasn’t occurred to me to do it. With this design, since letters A and N have a somewhat similar style, I wanted to make them interlock or combine into each other. I looked at the A and saw that it’s long side could also be used as the leg on the letter N. I also made it seem like the middle line in the letter N is the right line of the letter A so it looks like they’re merging into each other. I made 4 different versions with outlines and colored in. I did this because I wanted to see if my logo can be used in different situations. I feel that my logo can work with it being colored in and even just outlined.