1st draft of storyboard


Its a lovely day outside and Tom Rex the T-rex and his owner lola are outside in the park playing fetch. Lola found Tom frozen one day as a small dino and ever since she raised him they became best friends. Tom loves playing fetch in the park with lola and she always uses his favorite red ball. He’s pretty clumsy,  sometimes not caring who’s in his way, tripping and causing people to have to jump out the way. But under all those scales he’s and scary teeth he’s no different then a dog. At the end of the day he just likes to lay down and rest before going home. Tom is just your not so everyday T-rex.

Character Description: Big, Green, Scaly, Friendly, Lives in New York, Scary to others, Interested in finding others like him, age unknown but lola says 5 years old.

shots and angles 2 shots and angles


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