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Digital Media Foundations Project

Visually Enhanced Quotes

Fonts used: Aston Script Pro Bold & Segoe Print. 

Explanation: In this logo I tried going for a heart that was shattered but healed back. I used red and black to contrast the love and the hate. I used a fancy typeface for love and more of a regular/basic typeface for hatred since it is something bad and dark. Lastly added a few lines with a 0.25 stroke in the back to give the idea of a shattered heart
Fonts used: Mv Boli Regular & Aston Script Pro Bold Explanation: 

For this logo I decided to go for a shattered side of the heart which is the hate, to give the idea of how hate breaks everything apart. For the “Love” side of the heart I left it white to give the idea of love being a good thing, White is the opposite of black, just like love is the opposite of hate.

Personal Logo

I made this logo using the initials of my name and last name, Angel Cuevas. I added the wings and halo because of the name Angel and how it carries the “C”. I also added a motion to it to give the idea of circulation throughout the Logo. Lastly, I added an outline color blue because it is my favorite color, and it would also represent the sky. 

Research Logo

Designer Research Paper

Virtual Trip 3 Pieces

The Life In a Video