Personal Statement

My personal statement of beliefs about nursing recognizes the nurse as co worker with various responsibilities and actions based on the situation that I am in as I provide care.  Providing care in this case consists of actions that are necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of the patients I serve.  Nursing is a profession with various roles, caretaker, advocate, educator, and most importantly a listener.  Through observation and communication with the patient and other members of the health care team, it is my job to assist the patient to achieving the maximum level of health and well being that is within the confines of my abilities.  As a professional, in order to be an effective nurse, ongoing education and training is something I expect and look forward to.  I believe that nursing is a profession that is essential to human living because at one time or another, all of us need to be cared for.

Reflecting on the question regarding my individual strengths, I have to admit that I am patient, responsible, and a good team player.  I am patient with my family members, my friends and my co workers because I believe that in order to get things done in an effective manner, patience is needed.  I am responsible because I have to live with myself. I always strive to be a good team player because I know that two heads are better than one (most of the time).  Another individual strength that I feel is important to mention is that I am a curious person who loves to learn.

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