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by | November 6, 2013 · 5:06 pm

Art Inspires: The Beginning (My First Post)

PietAlthough technology has changed, the approach to conceiving creative concepts has not changed. It is not uncommon that during one’s creative process that they allow themselves to be inspired by something they’ve seen. It may be the advertisement they saw while riding on the train, the weird yet crafty tapestry print of an old couch left out on the sidewalk, or the work of someone who lives with us no longer, but has left their work behind for us to see in Museum’s all over the city. You can look at something today and think “hey, that’s cool”, or “hey, that’s pretty” and see something tomorrow and say “Oh, so that’s where they got that idea from!”. Most creatives look to old artists to revamp and inspire new work, just as I have been inspired by painter Piet Mondrian’s painting to create this digital collage that includes work from other creatives who have also been inspired by him.

Stay tuned for “Art Inspires” Part 2: Revamp Me Challenge

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