Hello everyone, I am Ian Pooran and im a guest blogger. As an artist myself when creating an artwork I always wanted it to be perfect, even when i think my work is perfect whenever i go back to check on it i find something else is wrong with it. One thing I definitely know is that there is good in everything. As I’ve been searching for the good in my failure. I believe he meant no matter how much strive for perfection it will always be unattainable, we ‘ll always reach 99.99% because I think there’s always that little something that can make our work just a little better
Even the great Salvador Dali had consider himself a bad painter. He once said you must be a little stupid to be a good painter he means you gotta make dumb “mistakes” when painting thus discovering something new in the painting medium. Obviously not 100% true these days, but i believe that’s all he meant.