Lend Me Your Ears: Part 3 of 4

KanyeWe all know that rapper and creative visionary Kanye West could be a little vain, but there is truth in his words. There is much more work to being an artist outside of creative work that is visually stimulating to an audience. Though Kanye may be better at it than most, many of the worlds most creative visionaries think highly of themselves, not because of their accomplishments, but because they have to. To pursue a career in art and creative solutions is hard work; it’s hard to produce and it’s hard to present. You may have the simplest visual solution in the world, but it may be no good if you do not step out of your humble shell and be a “creative genius” of presentation. Being in tune with yourself like we discussed in Lend Me Your EarsL Part 2 of 4, can really make the difference.

As a freelance designer or the Creative Director of a world known firm, a little “Confidence” or “Swagger” is always needed, and Amc’s original series main character Don Draper of Mad Men is a (simulated) walking testimony.

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