Lend Me Your Ears: Part I of 4

Painting from paint series "Deco Dames" by artists Davy Macdonald

Painting from paint series “Deco Dames” by artist Davy Macdonald

Albert Camus, french noble winning journalist and philosopher shares his insight on art. There are countless opinions on why people feel the need to produce art, and how are is perceived, but I think Camus, in two sentences has poetically distinguished the function of human verbal expression verses a humans need to express themselves visually.

I interpreted this quote as verbal expression can be tainted, just as someone’s motive to “confess” or “proclaim” their feelings may be illegitimate. That someone’s visual expression, is a genuine response to their surroundings. Why do people place so much value on art? Because art, essentially, is a natural expression. Sure, it can be filtered and tainted as well as the words of the most persuasive congressman, but, because of its uniqueness in execution and stroke, composition,  and the time it takes to produce, one will feel and react genuinely to a painting and understand without words what the artist is saying, trying to say, or how they are feeling.

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