Student Mentoring

♦ Student Mentoring

Avraham Alaev, Macaulay Honors College at Hunter College, volunteer mentoring, Spring 2024.

Kevin Wu Fong, Janet Liou-Mark RISE (JLM RISE) Summer Research Experience, Summer 2023.

Yitao Li, Janet Liou-Mark RISE (JLM RISE) Summer Research Experience, Summer 2023.

Sofia Bilbao, Emerging Scholars Program, Spring 2023.

Yitao Li, Emerging Scholars Program, Spring 2023.

Qing Chen, CUNY Research Scholars Program and Honors Scholars Program (MAT 2580), Spring-Summer 2022.

Angie Zumba, CUNY Research Scholars Program and Honors Scholars Program (MAT 2580), Spring 2022.

Adrian Guin Rizzo, Emerging Scholars Program and Honors Scholars Program (MAT 2580), Spring 2022.

    • Adrian is curretnly a Health Informatics MS student at SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University.

Samantha Quiah, Honors Scholars Program (MAT 2580), Spring 2022.

Akhil Sankar, Emerging Scholars Program, Spring 2022.

JianNing Luo, Emerging Scholars Program and Honors Scholars Program (MAT 2580), Fall 2021. (awarded the second best STEM poster)

    • JianNing is currently a PhD program in Applied Physics at New Jersey Institute of Technology.

Keven Cruz, Emerging Scholars Program and Honors Scholars Program (MAT 2580), Spring 2021.

Allan Emmanuel, Emerging Scholars Program, Spring 2021.

William Pollicino, Emerging Scholars Program, Spring 2021.

Jake Postiglione, Emerging Scholars Program and Honors Scholars Program (MAT 2580), Spring 2021.

    • Jake is currently a PhD candidate in Physics at the Grad Center of CUNY.

Lillian González-Albino (University of Puerto Rico), Master’s student since Spring 2021.

    • Lillian successfully defended her Master’s thesis in December 2021. She is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Puerto Rico.

Javier Santiago-Velez (University of Puerto Rico), co-mentored with Ivelisse Rubio, since June 2020.

    • Javier is currently a PhD candidate in Math at the University of Michigan.

Najalia Singh, Valley Stream Central High School, June-November 2020.

    • Najalia is currently a math major at Hofstra University.

Javier Santiago-Velez (University of Puerto Rico), Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP), Summer 2019.

Lillian González-Albino (University of Puerto Rico), Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP), Summer 2019.

Juan Aguilar, Honors Scholars Program (MAT 1375), Fall 2018.

Michael De Filippo, Emerging Scholars Program and Honors Scholars Program (MAT 1375), Fall 2018.

Saloua Daouki, co-mentored with Estela Rojas, Minority Science Engineering and Improvement Program (MSEIP, joint with BMCC), Summer 2017.

Fathimar Mohamedrafeek, co-mentored with Estela Rojas, Minority Science Engineering and Improvement Program (MSEIP, joint with BMCC), Summer 2017.

Rabea Begum, Minority Science Engineering and Improvement Program (MSEIP, joint with BMCC), Summer 2017.

Mukadder Cina, Minority Science Engineering and Improvement Program (MSEIP, joint with BMCC), Summer 2017.

Shrijana Ghimire, volunteer mentoring, Summer 2017.

Josiel Nunez, Emerging Scholars Program and Honors Scholars Program (MAT 3021), Fall 2016.

Farjana Shati, Emerging Scholars Program and Honors Scholars Program (MAT 3021), Fall 2016.

Saloua Daouki, co-mentored with Nadia Kennedy, Emerging Scholars Program, Fall 2015.

Fathimar Mohamedrafeek, co-mentored with Nadia Kennedy, Emerging Scholars Program, Fall 2015.

Ashlina Wang (BMCC), Minority Science Engineering and Improvement Program (MSEIP, joint with BMCC), Summer 2015.

Silma Samayeen, Emerging Scholars Program and Honors Scholars Programs (MAT 1375), Spring 2015.

Ling Yang, Emerging Scholars Program and Honors Scholars Program (MAT 1375), Spring 2015.

Hol Seo (The Bronx High School of Science), volunteer mentoring, Summer 2013.

♦ Student Writing

Jake Postiglione, How the Universe Thinks: Thoughts on the Origin of Quantitative Reasoning, City Tech Writer 17, 2022.

Anthony John Regner, The Zen of Online Mathematical Events, City Tech Writer 17, 2022.

Armando Cosme, Falling in Love with Monster Prime Numbers: A Response to a TED Talk, City Tech Writer 13 (2018), p.40.

    • Armando is currently a math teacher at the Science Skills Center High School for Science, Technology & the Creative Arts, Brooklyn, NY.

♦ Student Presentations

Avraham Alaev, Min-base conditions for various palindromic representations, The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Metropolitan New York Section 2024 Annual Meeting, online, April 28, 2024.

Kevin Wu Fong, Sea level changes in the Maldives islands, Janet Liou-Mark RISE Program, First Annual Celebrating Research Experience Symposium at City Tech, August 10, 2023.

Yitao Li, Exploring mathematics through visual thinking, Janet Liou-Mark RISE Program, First Annual Celebrating Research Experience Symposium at City Tech, August 10, 2023.

Sofia Bilbao, The golden ratio in Architecture, Emerging Scholars Program, The 38th Semi-Annual Janet Liou-Mark Honors & Undergraduate Research Scholars Poster Presentation, May 3-4, 2023.

Yitao Li, Analyzing a winning strategy in Sperner’s game, Emerging Scholars Program, The 38th Semi-Annual Janet Liou-Mark Honors & Undergraduate Research Scholars Poster Presentation, May 3-4, 2023.

Qing Chen, Bézier curves, The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Metropolitan New York Section 2021 Annual Meeting, online, May 1, 2022.

Adrian Guin Rizzo, Genotype distribution in a population, The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Metropolitan New York Section 2021 Annual Meeting, online, May 1, 2022.

Akhil Sankar, Robotic manipulation: a practical application of Linear Algebra in perception and path planning, The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Metropolitan New York Section 2021 Annual Meeting, online, May 1, 2022.

Angel Zumba, The Leslie matrix model, The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Metropolitan New York Section 2021 Annual Meeting, online, May 1, 2022.

Javier Santiago, Permutation binomials of the form $x^r(x^{q-1}+a)$ over $\mathbb F_{q^e}$, Seminario Interuniversitario de Investigación en Ciencias Matemáticas, University of Puerto Rico, February 25-26, 2022.

Lillian González-Abino, Explicit formulas for involutions of the form  $x^m(x^{\frac{q-1}{2}}+a)$ with a prescribed number of fixed points over finite fields, Seminario Interuniversitario de Investigación en Ciencias Matemáticas, University of Puerto Rico, February 25-26, 2022.

JiaNing Luo, Equilibrium temperature distributions, Honors Scholars Program, The 35th Semi-annual Janet Liou-Mark Honors & Undergraduate Research Scholars Poster Presentation, December 1-2, 2021.

JianNing Luo, Using random walks to determine the equilibrium temperature, Emerging Scholars Program, The 35th Semi-Annual Janet Liou-Mark Honors & Undergraduate Research Scholars Poster Presentation, December 1-2, 2021.

Najalia Singh, Maximum distance codes over $\mathbb Z_4$, CUNY Celebrates Women in Computing, online, May 1, 2021.

Najalia Singh, Maximum distance codes over $\mathbb Z_4$, The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Metropolitan New York Section 2021 Annual Meeting,  online, May 1, 2021.

Allan Emanuel, An internet search engine, The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Metropolitan New York Section 2021 Annual Meeting, online, May 1, 2021.

Jake Postiglione, Exploring the development of early methods in Linear Algebra, The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Metropolitan New York Section 2021 Annual Meeting, online, May 1, 2021.

William Pollicino, Linear algebra for computer graphics, The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Metropolitan New York Section 2021 Annual Meeting, online, May 1, 2021.

Lillian González-Albino, Involutions of $\mathbb F_q$ obtained from binomials of the form $x^m(x^{(q-1)/2}+a),$  52nd Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory & Computing, online, March 8-12, 2021.

Javier Santiago, Permutation binomials of index $q^{e-1}+q^{e-2}+\cdots+1$ over $\mathbb F_{q^e}$, 52nd Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory & Computing, online, March 8-12, 2021.

Lillian González-Albino, Involutions of $\mathbb F_q$ obtained from binomials of the form $x^m(x^{(q-1)/2}+a)$, Seminario Interuniversitario de Investigacion en Ciencias Matematicas, online, February 26-27, 2021.

Lillian González-Albino, Involutions of $\mathbb F_q$ obtained by binomials of the form $x^m(x^{(q-1)/2}+a)$, (Mathematics Association of America) MAA Student Poster Session, Joint Mathematics Meetings, online, January 6-9, 2021.

Javier Santiago, Permutation binomials of index $q^{e-1}+q^{e-2}+\cdots+1$ over $\mathbb F_{q^e}$, (Mathematics Association of America) MAA Student Poster Session, Joint Mathematics Meetings, online, January 6-9, 2021.

Najalia Singh, Maximal distance codes over $\mathbb Z_4$,  (Mathematics Association of America) MAA Student Poster Session, Joint Mathematics Meetings, online, January 6-9, 2021.

Lillian González-Albino, Involutions of the form $x^m(x^{(q-1)/2}+a)$ over $\mathbb F_q$,  3rd Bringing Young Mathematicians Together (BYMAT) Conference, online, December 1-3, 2020.

Javier Santiago, Permutation binomials of index $q^{e-1}+q^{e-2}+\cdots+1$ over $\mathbb F_{q^e}$,  3rd Bringing Young Mathematicians Together (BYMAT) Conference, online, December 1-3, 2020.

Javier Santiago, On permutation binomials of index $q^{e-1}+q^{e-2}+\cdots+1$, Eighteenth Annual Workshop on Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory (CANT), online, June 1-5, 2020.

Javier Santiago, On permutation binomials of index $q^{e-1}+q^{e-2}+\cdots+1$, The MAA Metropolitan New York Section 2020 Annual Meeting, online, May 3, 2020.

Javier Santiago, On permutation binomials of index qe-1+qe-2+…+1 over Fqe, Interuniversity Seminar on Research in the Mathematical Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, online, March 6-7, 2020.

Juan Aguilar, Simulating microgravity, 29th Semi-Annual Poster Presentation at City Tech, December 5-6, 2018.

Michael De Filippo, Mathematical modeling in the air quality control, 29th Semi-Annual Poster Presentation at City Tech, December 5-6, 2018.

Rabea Begum, Mukadder Cina and Shrijana Ghimire, Using graphs to assemble DNA fragments, poster presentation at The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Metropolitan New York Section, Annual Meeting, May 13, 2018.

Saloua Daouki and Fathimar Mohamedrafeek, Comprehensive modules designed for students to improve math reasoning in quantitative reasoning course (MAT 1190EN), poster presentation at BMCC, August 14, 2017.

Rabea Begum and Mukadder Cina, Using graphs to assemble DNA fragments, poster presentation at BMCC, August 14, 2017.

Rabea Begum, Mukadder Cina and Shrijana Ghimire, Using graphs to assemble DNA fragments, Student Paper Session, Mathematical Association of America (MAA) MathFest 2017, Chicago, July 26 – 29, 2017.

Josiel Nunez and Farjana Shati, Exploring the Pollard’s algorithm, 25th Semi-Annual Poster Presentation at City Tech, November 30 – December 1, 2016.

Saloua Daouki and Fathimar Mohamedrafeek, Mathematical modeling with middle school students: exploring impact, 23rd Semi-Annual Poster Presentation at City Tech, December 2 – 3, 2015.

Ashlina Wang, Newton’s method and fractals, 20-minute presentation at BMCC, August 19, 2015.

Silma Samayeen and Ling Yang, A model of gas exchange in the lung, 22nd Semi-Annual Poster Presentation, City Tech, May 6 – 7, 2015.

Silma Samayeen and Ling Yang, A model of gas exchange in the lung, poster presentation at The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Metropolitan New York Section, Annual Meeting, May 3, 2015.