Author Archives: alex chao

Outline of Personal Narrative Essay

  1. Intro: My difficulties in a kitchen is learning the different knife skills it involves the different cuts, how to hold a knife, and learning how to cut properly.
1. Different knife cuts
2. how to hold a knife
3. learning how to cut properly
Thesis Statement:
Not only culinary is stressful but it helps me procure verbal skills like knife cuts, how to hold a knife and learning how to cut properly

Summary of “It’s Hard Enough Being Me” essay

In the essay “Its Hard Enough Being Me” by Anna Lisa Raya the main theme addressed is the different countries that their parents were born from. She didn’t know anything when she arrived to NYC as a first year student. She thinks of herself not Latina and other people think she is white or Asian. When Raya came to NYC she was pushed into a corner proving to her classmates and other people to see who she is. Raya and other people thinks that they faced a similar pressure knowing that some weren’t even taught Spanish in childhood.

Student survey

My name is Alex Chao I was born here in the U.S. Before I came to City Tech, I went to Food and Finance High School I learned the basics of both culinary and baking. My major in City Tech is Hospitality Management. This is my 1st year 2nd semester. My favorite food I like to eat is Chicken pot pie. My background in English is more reading than writing. My goals for this class is to write better essays.


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