Use of the Microscope – Pre-lab Activity
Select the best answer choice for each question below.
1. The microscope is used to ____________
A. increase the size of the object
B. view microscopic objects
C. clarify things
D. None of the above
2. To increase the amount of light getting to the specimen, which of the following would you adjust?
A. the objective lens
B. the condenser
C. the iris diaphragm
D. the course focus
E. The stage adjustment knob.
3. Which lens is known as the low power objective?
A. the blue one
B. the yellow one
C. the red one
D. the white one
4. You are viewing a specimen using the 100 X. The image looks fuzzy and needs adjusting/ Which of the following would you use to make the image clearer?
A. the stage adjustment knobs
B. the coarse focus knob
C. the iris diaphragm
D. the fine focus knob