Alena Karlik



The clinical rotation took place at Kings Country Hospital, Pediatric Clinic, located at 451 Clarkson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203. The clinical experience spanned throughout the Spring semester and included insightful experiences and newly acquired competencies. During my time at the pediatric clinic of Kings County, I had ample opportunity to observe healthcare professionals administer medical services to children and adolescents. This was a new population for me, because I never worked with younger patients before. From the early days of clinical attendance, it was clear that this was going to be an enriching experience. Not only did I complete my clinical in Kings County Hospital, but I also had an opportunity to have a hands-on clinical experience while administering vaccinations to children in the pediatric clinic. This introduced me to the extent of false health information that families and clients in the community settings often have. It was very rewarding to have an opportunity to explain to parents about the importance of vaccines, their safety and potential side-effects, and about the source of the myths that hinder parents’ decisions to administer vaccinations to their children.

Additionally, I had an opportunity to learn about medical health records, importance of maintaining client confidentiality, conducting individual assessment, and planning individual, client-centered interventions. Through my observations of clinical specialists, I had an opportunity to learn the skills and competencies that are essential for all nursing professionals. This included therapeutic means of communication, conducting intakes and discharges, and planning ongoing care. I learned that cultural background and ethnicity are often significant precursors to the compliance and adherence to medical treatments, and it is imperative to understand how various demographic factors impact clients’ ability to follow through with the prescribed treatment regimen. It was rewarding and enriching experience that I will be able to transport with me into my professional practice.

Objective 1:

For this objective, I maintained a level of professionality, and assume responsibility for my own learning. I did so by being inquisitive, asking important questions about clinical practice, and seeking appropriate guidance from the clinical instructor. Additionally, I ensured that I attend the clinical punctually, and in accordance with the school’s policy. This minimized any distractions that may have arisen due to poor punctuality.

Objective 2:

This was a very insightful clinical experience, and in accordance with the course objectives, I employed analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care for individuals in a community setting. I was able to conduct physical assessments, prioritize care, implement safe nursing interventions, vaccinations, and evaluate patient outcomes. During this clinical, I learned how to apply safe, quality nursing interventions to maximize clients’ health and wellness.

Objective 3:

Effective communication is the basic foundation of nursing process. Learning effective means of communication that encompasses cultural competence and sensitivity is imperative for the delivery of quality nursing care. In alignment with the course objectives, I utilized therapeutic communication skills, learned about appropriate channels of communication, learned how to adapt communication skills to the cultural, developmental, and individual needs of the client, and learned about accurate reporting of assessment data. I had an opportunity to interact with clients one-on-one, as well as in a group setting, provide client teaching about vaccinations, as well as implement therapeutic communication with interdisciplinary team members.

Objective 4:

During this clinical experience, I had an opportunity to learn about the development and implementation of teaching plans for adults and families in a community setting. While in the clinical setting, my focus was on creating an environment that is conducive to learning – making sure that I come on time and eliminate any potential distractions to learning. I learned about the process of evaluating client and family outcomes, and at the same time considering all important demographic and sociocultural factors.

Objective 5:

Technology is advancing at tremendous speeds, and this clinical has confirmed how important it is for healthcare provides to be adept to using modern technology. During this clinical experience, I had an opportunity to utilize principles of nursing informatics in the clinical setting, and learned about the importance of maintaining strict client confidentiality when it comes to client health information data. I learned about using electronic medical record (EMR), how to protect patients’ sensitive health-related information, and now to manage clients’ medical records.

Objective 6.

As a registered nurse, it is my responsibility to engage in life-long learning, and this clinical experience has confirmed this need. During this clinical, I had an opportunity to engage in self-evaluation and self-reflection. I believe that I was committed to adjusting to the challenges of independent practice when I administered vaccinations to school-aged children. This was a very enriching experience because it gave me an opportunity to learn how to apply appropriate current literature in planning of care. I was able to find peer-reviewed literature sources to educate parents about vaccine myths that often times prevent them from vaccinating their children.

Objective 7.

Each RN is accountable for his/her actions in the clinical practice, but this accountability is often taken for granted. This clinical experience taught me that besides our regular agencies and organizations that oversee clinical nursing practice, there are also such entities as the American Nurses Association, which provides guidelines and standards for practicing RNs. I learned about agency’s standards, more specifically, the standards of Kings County Community Hospital, and I became aware of the agency’s mission, so that I can align my own goals and practice with those presented by the agency.

Objective 8.

Client-provider collaboration is an essential element of nursing care. The clinical experience provide ample opportunity for effective collaboration with healthcare teams, I learned about appropriate ways to identify health care resources for clients and families, and during vaccinations, I also guided clients in making appropriate lifestyle and treatment choices. I researched available resources, appropriate for the community members, so that they can learn more about vaccinations, and provided a list of resources. This was priceless interactive experience because it taught me to consider clients’ literacy levels, cultural elements, and other relevant factors that play a role in the delivery of quality patient care.

Objective 9.


Economic, political, social, and demographic forces have a significant impact on the delivery of patient care and provision of healthcare services. However, our healthcare system is not ideal, and the gaps in the delivery of healthcare contribute to disparities that are found across many vulnerable communities. During the vaccination experience mentioned before, I had an excellent opportunity to act as an agent of change, advocating for appropriate health care resources for families and clients. I engaged in identifying solutions to complex problems, like refusal to vaccinate child due to parents’ or guardians’ erroneous beliefs that vaccines cause autism or the very flue they protect against. This was misinformation that many parents and legal guardians had.



In summation, I would like to restate that this was a very insightful, enriching, and valuable experience and I learned a lot during my clinical rotation at Kings County Hospital’s Pediatric Clinic. Working alongside other RNs, I learned about dedication, professional communication, and delivery of quality patient care.