Self Evaluation 6

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I think so far in my internship I’m doing really well. I am getting along with my supervisor and people in the org. As far as my work I am really proud of myself thus far. What I am most proud of is the article I designed about Climate Change. It is really simple yet effective and I love the layout of it. I think that I have been really consistent with handing in assignments on time and making sure I put my all into these assignments. So far I have completed six assignments and even though I liked some more than others I would say that each one has the same amount of time and care into it.

Like I mentioned before the Climate Change article is the design I am most proud of so far. I think I took a lot of time into this one because Climate Change is a topic that I am very passionate about and spend time reading and learning about how environment’s current state. I am donating to the WWF and constantly sharing the word about how important climate change is and how we have to act on it soon. The article was about designers who have used climate change as a subject of their design. The article discussed four different designers and they are as follows, Chris Jordan, Nils Udo, Aida Sulova, and Olafur Eliasson. I thought their works were each so different and beautiful. The only designer I knew of before designing this article was Chris Jordan. In his work he had photographed dead animals with plastic inside their systems. This was to basically show that there is so much plastic pollution in our world that animals are digesting so much plastic. The photos are not as graphic as they sound but they are disturbing. I would still suggest looking into his work though because those photos are a huge eyeopener. Another designer was Nils Udo, who showed how beautiful nature can be. I enjoyed looking at his photographs and even made a cover design using his photograph.

This project I was really passionate about and I think it shows in the final product. My work ethic and attitude towards the org remains the same and I’m very happy interning here. I think I’m doing well and that is shown through my work and the feedback I received. Here are the designers I was referring to earlier.

Chris Jordan:×24

Nils Udo:

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