Organization Role 2

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My role in the organization is a design associate. I am working under the Communications and Marketing department where I have made flyers and now a magazine article for their February Magazine about Black History Month. The Communications and Marketing Department is basically where you design things for the organization and it’s really exciting. The department supervisor gives out weekly assignments to everyone in the that department.

I had struggled finding an internship until early to mid February. Prior to getting this internship I had been rejected by the MacMillian’s children book internship and for Calling All Graphics internship. For that company I went onto an interview with the woman in charge but did not get it. For a while I was worried that I would not be able to find an internship because I kept failing to get one. But, I’m glad those didn’t work out because with the help of Professor Nicolaou, she directed me and recommended me to the organization. This internship was ideal because it was asynchronous and on the weekends I have to visit my grandma in NJ. It was great not having to travel anywhere for the internship and it was great meeting everyone in the organization.

The process of how I actually got the internship was very simple. I applied on their website and provided them with a cover letter saying how I wanted to work with them and how I was recommended by my professor for this position. After that was complete I got a phone call the next day from the founder helping me get set up with the organization. I was able to join the google chats, and set up and use my company email. During the phone call we discussed what the organization was all about and the founder told me about himself and mentioned on the phone that he would be going to Turkey and Syria to help with the earthquake, which I thought was amazing and honestly really impressive. He then asked me about myself and I talked about my interests and why I wanted to work with them. There was really no interview process they just accepted me right away and I was able to work on my first assignment, which was the Turkey/Syria donation flyer.

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