Category Archives: Learning Experience 4

Learning Experience 4

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I am learning a lot as I’m interning here at the organization. This is my first ever time working for anyone and I was very nervous when I first started. In my experience, since it isn’t paid, there isn’t so much pressure put onto me as there would be if this was a paid position. I’m learning how to deal with images that are copyrighted and teaching myself to do different things with magazine layouts. I use a variety of programs when making content for the org. I mostly use Adobe Indesign because I am most experienced in that program but if I need something to be done slightly quicker I will use Canva, which was a program recommended by my supervisor. Canva is really helpful, especially when it comes to elements like images. On Canva, images are mostly free so you don’t have to worry about possibly getting the company sued.

I’m learning a lot about myself as a designer as well. I didn’t really think that I had a specific style when it comes to designing but I’m learning that I like using rounded shapes, simple fonts, and like the look of a lot of negative space. I like things that are simple and easy to read and not flooded with a lot of information or different typefaces. Everything I’ve created so far has been consistent within the same style I think.

I am not doing any clerical work because I think that is up to people in other departments to work with papers and documentation. I am solely a design associate and design things for the company. I have gotten a lot of good feedback on my designs so far from my supervisor, which is a good motivator to me and shows I’m moving in the right direction.