Category Archives: Workplace Culture 3

Workplace Culture 3

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The workplace environment is hard to describe since the internship is asynchronous so we don’t actually go to a location to work. However, as far as work attire it is definitely business casual. I say this because I was asked to take a photo of myself for the website and was asked to dress business formal and if I had a blazer or something that would be ideal. I do not own a blazer so I decided to wear a button down shirt with a turtleneck underneath for the photo. If I were to actually go somewhere to work I would dress casual. Not necessarily very businessy if that makes sense. I don’t really own that kind of attire. I would obviously want to look professional though around the organization and by my coworkers.

I can describe a typical workweek even though it’s an asynchronous position. Every Monday my supervisor will be giving out assignments that pertain to the organization and we have until Friday afternoon to complete them. Since we have to meet 120 hours and 15 work weeks I try my best to spread out my work hours. On Monday when the assignment is assigned I’ll usually start sketching for an hour or so and then Tuesday I will work for 3 hours , on Wednesdays I work at night because I have class during the day and Thursday and Friday I make sure to work enough to meet the 15 hours. Sometimes it goes over by a couple minutes. I also time myself when working on the assignment as it keeps me organized and on track. It also helps to look at to see how long I’ve been working and when I should take a break from working on the assignment.

On all days except Wednesday I don’t work at night because those are times to relax and work on other things that I have. I try my best to balance all the work I have to do for college and outside of college. So far, this system I have is working well.