Category Archives: Internship Begins 1

Internship Begins 1

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Hello my name is Angela Iacono and this is my first journal entry. I have gotten an internship with the non-profit organization named. Their goal is to assist and empower underserved communities and immigrants into civic and economic life. This internship is asynchronous so the site and location is non-existent. However, on their website they include an address, which I’m assuming they worked there prior to Covid19 shut everything down. I believe that it is a public company because they are trying to help and reach out to as much people as they can.

I started interning for them on February 6th but didn’t get my first assignment until February 11th. There they asked me to create a donation flyer for the devastating earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria. They were going to use these flyers on their social media. The organization has many different departments such as the HR department, the finance department, the press department, the business department, and the communications and marketing department, which is the one I’m in. All of these departments work together to create something for the brand. The organization is the client so as of right now I am constantly designing for them. The organization was founded in 2016 where it states that, “when he joined civic and community boards to influence change in local areas. He observed the current hardships people were experiencing due to various societal problems”.

I found an interview that Trivedi had done with We Empower Magazine and they were basically asking him questions about the organization. Questions like what does he enjoy the most about the work he does, how do you feel about making a difference in the world, and what has the feedback that the organization has received. One point in the interview that stood out to me was when Trivedi stated, “My job has always been about putting others before myself and being able to create better opportunities with my team for those who do not have opportunities. Because everyone deserves an opportunity to make their lives better. Everyone deserves to live their life without the fear of going to bed hungry, without the fear of not having enough money to fund their education, and without the fear of not being able to provide a comfortable life for themselves, their family members, children, and loved ones”. I thought this was well said because it perfectly embodies the energy of the organization if that makes sense.

I also found another article from TUC that talks about the founder making an impact with the organization and is also another interview with him. In the article some questions include how he created the organization and what inspired him, what has been the best project that they’ve worked on so far, and is the organization doing anything to help the people who were negatively affected by Covid19. The organization doesn’t only help people in local communities but worldwide, during the pandemic they were sending masks and even ventilators to people in India. They even paid off people’s electricity bills who weren’t able to afford it because of Covid19.

Article 1:

Article 2: