Category Archives: Ethics Assignment 2a

Ethics Assignment 2a

2A)The readings that have been assigned thus far are very educational and informative. I am learning a lot when it comes to copyright, NDA’s, and ethical guidelines for designers to uphold. It has affected and changed the way I work as a designer especially during this internship. I have never worked for a company before and therefore never had to think about ethics and copyright. All that I have designed so far has been student work for design classes. There you don’t have to worry about being sued by anyone because it is just an assignment for class. But when interning with the non-profit organization it is my first step into a professional environment for designers. You have to be on top of yourself in order to avoid copyright issues, especially with images, and remember ethical guidelines when communicating with others in the organization.

When I was very young I used to trace over my favorite cartoon characters, give them completely different colors and say they were my own creation, which I think is something everyone does at least once around that age. But if someone were to trace artwork or heavily reference it without crediting the artist that person would face backlash and maybe even find themselves in more serious situations. I have in the past used another creative’s work and given credit where credit is due. Many times when designing I credit the artist’s work not only because it follows the ethical guidelines but I respect those artists very much and wouldn’t want to offend them in any way or cause unwanted tension. In the AIGA book Use of Illustration it states that, “When a designer selects an illustrator to use, he or she is not only receiving the rights to reproduce the finished piece, but is also receiving the fruits of years of exploration and the development of an individual style. This individual style becomes the core of the product, the individual service offered and the asset that embodies the completed creative work”. I thought this was interesting because from my understanding of this it’s saying that once an illustrator has given the illustration to the designer, the designer is now allowed to own that product for a set amount of time and is allowed to reproduce the work and do whatever they see fit with it. I think this is very interesting and didn’t realize that this is how an illustrator and a designer work together.

Reading the AIDA book for use of photography also spoke about fees and rights pertaining to the usage of photographs. For example in the text it states that, “A professional photographer sells a license to use a photograph in particular circumstances; he or she does not sell the photograph itself or the copyright to it. The photographer owns the opportunity to use or sell the image in all other uses, unless he or she sells the copyright in writing prior to the photoshoot”. I thought this was really interesting because they do not sell the copyright of their photos and if that were to be the case it would be done prior to the photoshoot. It’s important to discuss copyright ownership when working with a client and lay out all the details with the client. In most cases, when it comes to most professions, they never fully sell all the rights to their designs or photos.

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