Category Archives: Ethics Assignment 1b

Ethics Assignment 1b

1B)For my internship I did not have to sign a nondisclosure agreement. The only thing I had to sign was a student internship form that my boss and professor had to sign as well. Even though I did not sign a nondisclosure agreement I try not to give too much information about the people who work there, their names, or specific details about what is happening or planning to happen. I only mention things that specifically pertain to me and what I’m doing for the organization. I think because this is a non-profit organization a nondisclosure agreement is not really that necessary but my knowledge on that is very limited. If this were a company like Apple or Nike I’m sure you would have to sign something especially if you are designing for the company. It also happens in other professional careers as well such as actors and people who design and produce films. If you are, for example, an actor that just got casted in a new Marvel film then you are definitely not allowed to say anything because they most likely signed an NDA and it states something in the actor’s contracts that they are not allowed to discuss or reveal anything about the films, script and characters. 

In reading the Ethical Issues in the Graphic Design Business it states that, “For example, a graphic designer could be offered to produce an ad, but then he or she could find out that the information in the ad was a product of false advertising.  False advertising means to promote a feature or characteristic in a product that is in fact not true.  In this case, the designer would also have the choice to produce the ad or simply walk away”. I believe this to be extremely unethical and irresponsible on the company’s part. If you are giving your designers misleading information that could potentially ruin their career. If you are a designer and have noticed that information about a product or design isn’t accurate then you shouldn’t be designing for that company or brand because the blame will fall on you if you designed something that was false. It’s important to do your own research and fact check everything before accepting a job offer especially if you are a freelance graphic designer. It further states that, “Just like writers have ‘writer’s block’, graphic designers sometimes also have phases in which they are not particularly creative.  This could lead to using someone else’s work and ‘revamping’ it to seem as though you created the whole thing.  This is an illegal practice called piracy.  Graphic Designers should definitely avoid doing this unless they give full credit to the copyright owner, ask for their permission, or use copyright free images”. Just recently I saw a video game artwork from Fortnite had stolen artwork from the game Overwatch. The work was clearly traced and just recolored slightly. Many people had noticed and called the artist who was working with Fortnite out on this. Eventually they changed the design of the artwork but it is still incredibly noticeable that artwork and design elements were stolen and traced.

Another reading was from A Client’s Guide to Design: How to get the most out of the process. I think this book was incredibly interesting and informative. There are many different categories talking about how to find a designer and the standards of professional practice but what I thought was interesting was the last category called Business Expectations for a Professional Designer. It’s always good to learn about what expectations you as a designer should uphold. Your job is to be creative but respectful and responsible too. For example it states that, “A professional designer applies his or her knowledge about physical, cognitive, social and cultural human factors to communication planning and the creation of an appropriate form that interprets, informs, instructs or persuades”. It is important to know who you are designing for and to bring your own knowledge and educational background to the forefront. This really is talking about how a designer needs to know their target audience and using all these different tools to understand that.

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