The High Cost of Poor Health Care

The article The High Cost of Poor Health Care is very informative but is also very opinionated. In the article you read about how costly health insurance is in the US and it explains how poor health care is extremely hurtful and expensive for yourself. I believe the article can do some good and may reach some sort of audience but I think it needs to be reworded. The article author is opinionated and almost forceful as if telling us what to do rather than explaining to us how to go about doing things in a better, healthier way.

For next weeks shoot I would like to shoot someone close up looking sad or worried with the lighting some what dark and gloomy. I feel like this will go well with the articles emotion toward poor health care.

2 thoughts on “The High Cost of Poor Health Care

  1. rmichals

    The article does have strong opinions and I would say those opinions contradict each other or are at least at cross purposes. You suggest that a dark image would work and I agree that a low key image could work. Also, the expression of the model will be key. The lighting should probably be high contrast and probably either split lighting or short light. We will discuss those lighting styles in class.

    And what about the other part of the project? what do the ads for health insurance look like? How will you shoot one?

    1. LindsayS Post author

      The ads for the health insurance agencies are usually happy, bright, with soft lighting. That is how I plan to shoot for that aspect of health insurance.


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