
Big Benefits Big Pharma

Big Pharma is not concern about cynics and what they are saying. It is assumed that Big Pharma is all about chi chin $$, and the profits they can generate from these drugs even when it doesn’t help the condition of the consumer. Branding is another area of concern that makes the cost of drug very expensive.

In spite of major critics concerning the exploit of the industry, it is stipulated that Big Pharma is indeed rewarding. Based on recent studies, drugs brought to market are having a more positive effect than one may think. The increase in sustainable drugs leads to increasing life expectancy by 1.74 years on average, and 73% increase due to new drugs marketed after 1990.

Increase longevity is not characterized by social improvement or risk factors, but in pharmaceuticals innovations. As Grabowski, and economist at Duke University said, “Without a well structured system of patent protection, the research pharmaceutical industry nor the genetic industry would not grow; a circumstance that requires out-of-pocket cost, but brings new drugs to market that increases life expectancy and real wealth.

America’s Other Drug Problem

As much as health care cannot survive without the pharmaceutical industry , it appear it can’t live with it as well. These giant cooperates of money makers stand prevalent in the live of American’s. There wealth lend them favor to government policies even with mall practice, and like the other big business profiteers, the drug companies are in it for the same purpose, Chin!

The expenditure on prescription drugs during 1960 – 1900 was study, but increased drastically after 2000, and have tripled since. These statistics indicates the price of prescription drugs in the United States as being the highest in the world. In addition, the industry battle relentlessly against price control or the limitation of marking revenues on new brand name drug. Though new drug have somewhat increase life expectancy, is exaggerated to some extent in the above article. Here, the bias is more subtle, but still give credit to the industry, and express some optimism on their behalf. However, we get a glimpse of the advantage of the industry interest in profits making before considering the well being of its consumers.

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