Poems, compare and contrast

There are one thing both of these poem share, is they both described a scene as driving a car, and its also a metaphor for different story.

“she’s being brand” has a more exciting mood, and also a bit movement. describing as a man driving a car spinning around in the city with high speed. This is a metaphor of sexual activity, He first describes her as being “Brand-new” which caused him to be “careful of her”. This implies that this girl is a virgin and she’s about to experience the first time with an men who has more experience, so he feels like wants to protect her.he “oiled the universal joint” and “made sure her springs were O.K”. These two metaphors refer to he is being prepare and also taking care of her. this poem finalize their sexual activity by saying that “it was the first ride” and “ we was happy to see how nice she acted right up to the last minute. By communicating that this was “the first ride”, this indicate this is the first time both of them having sex. it has been described as a more sensitive  and careful first time rather than aggressive and hot.

“Coming home, Detroit 1968” in contrast with the first poem, this is more a cold and emotionless. describing a man drive back to a place where he used to live but without too much feeling. he’ see a little boy on the road but he choose to ignore him and drive ahead. “One brown child stares and stares into your frozen eyes until the lights change and you go forward to work.” this he action created an a feeling of disappointment.


Ideas:for the first poem, i am thinking about using red or purple or maybe both lighting , and as two light segment that cross over in the background, i don’t know if its possible. a dark lighting but not high contrast.

the second poem, I want to use high contrast to emphasize the mood, i would like to try using a burned matches with little smoke to put on side or in front of the car to implies that the city of Detroit, there’s a great era just like a burning matches but now only burned ash left, a city that’s dying.

One thought on “Poems, compare and contrast

  1. rmichals

    I agree with your description of the ee Cummings poem but I don’t agree that there is little feeling in the Levine poem. Despair and hopelessness is expressed.

    As to the lighting ideas, yes an image could be dark but low contrast. All the tones would be darker than the midtown. You will see if you think it works or if it just looks depressing.

    And try matches. with care of course but burning ins one of the central metaphors of the poem so there is potential here.


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