The Botany of Desire: A plant eye view of the world.

Certainly man have failed in all his efforts to excel in understanding the natural relation between him and his environment; therefore, he endeavors to perfect his failures through technology, eliminating everything archetypal.

The technological revolution does not only focus on the transformation of human becoming digitized, but there is also disconcerting information on the food chain on making them technologically sustainable.

This resolution is based on solving the farmers and farming problem which is claimed to be expensive and hazardous to plants, humans, and the environment. Therefore science have developed a more expensive but so-called! Benign genetic information, a kind of self-protecting crop that is engineered by using gene from a strain of bacteria found in the soil known as Bacillus Thuringiensis. With this bacteria, the potato becomes a pesticide, protecting itself form insects and diseases, lunching a lethal terminal blow to the Colorado potato beetle.

Now that agriculture is being genetically engineered, Monsanto has claimed the potato as its intellectual property, posing as a software giant that supplies the proprietary of it systematic operation.

Design Concept
The concept for this design follows the metaphor of an industry instead of the tree in dust. Interpret: I will design a potato that fires laser beam in a spectrum of colors at it beetle foe, and the other nemesis of the beetle. The potato will also have some human features like eyes, which will be an antenna, because potato grow beneath the ground. My design will include two potato. One as a plant and the other as being harvested.

Lighting Effect.
I will use broad lighting effect for the plant and shot lighting for the harvest, probable us some butterfly effects for shadows.
New Name: Digitato

One thought on “The Botany of Desire: A plant eye view of the world.

  1. rmichals

    Your concept treats the idea with humor which could work. I am not quite sure how you will pull off this warrior potato. Will you attempt to dress up the actual potato and photograph it or will you photograph the potato and modify it later in photoshop.

    The terms broad, short and butterfly lighting apply to portrait lighting. I am not sure why but there are no lighting styles per se for still life lighting.


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