The Botany of Desire & Fresh Direct

In the chapter of ” The Botany of Desire”, the author has tell couple of things. In today, even plants are register and protected by the federal law.Also, in modern Agriculture; chemical fertilizers, pesticides, machinery, and fuel are over use to grow crops, those left harm to our soil and our bodies. Now, the new technology call GMO are made to improve, so our crop could grow faster, bigger, and look better with out using chemical. But nobody knows this new technology will make harm to our body or not if we keep consuming in the future.

For this book cover I had three ideas, I will try two type of lighting, first is close up shoot and with one main light in 45 degree angle from the top to create small shadow on the bottom. the second is one key light and one fill light with 1:1 lighting ratio form the from the side. For photo editing, I will try photoshop a barcode on the potato, a DNA code behind the potato or a needle that are injecting the potato. the placement will be image on the left, type on the right.

Fresh direct

For this ad, I will try both shooting from the top and shooting from the front. The lighting will be close either key light and one fill light with 1:1 lighting ratio or one main light to catch details, I want to minimum the shadow and bring up the texture of my vegetable, water drops are good to show freshness or soil dust is a other things to be try. I am also consider to chop my vegetable in half to show how fresh it is inside. Props like plate and basket are also good to use.

One thought on “The Botany of Desire & Fresh Direct

  1. rmichals

    You might like high contrast lighting for The Botany of Desire book cover. You can also try even lighting that is light and bright on both sides. This may be too cheerful for the tone of the article.

    For Fresh Direct water drops on the vegetables could look great. It should be light and bright and even. Probably with front light to minimize the irregularities of the potato. Side light brings out texture and that is probably not a good fit for this assignment.


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