Headphone Ad

Sennheiser Headphone

The brand we are promoting are the Sennheiser headphone. It offers high quality design for partly all occasion and a legendary sound like no other brand or head set. Sennheiser design their headphones with versatility and specificity, Relentless effort and attention are given to the product on a marketable scale to prevent customers falling victim to counterfeit and ensure that it they are always getting the Sennheiser quality. The presentation of Sennheiser headphones are showcased with dramatic lighting effects that cast appealing shadows. Models are in the sport- light and the combination of the headpiece design adjust to any occasion. I am not certain who is bringing what, but Muhammad mentioned that he would.

Hearing Loss PSA

Is a drive to raise the awareness of the negative effect that headphones (personal listening device) have on hearing, and how it will result into becoming deaf in the near future. The campaign simply appealed to the general public “to turn the music down”. Music lover who listen to music continuously at high volume levels or those who uses headphones fail to understand the serious health effect it has on your hearing. People between the ages of 18 – 44 are ones who falls into that category. To every health problem there are precautionary measures that can be taken to avoid or prevent the outcome. The PSA has recommended four preventative steps to take to avoid getting deaf.

One thought on “Headphone Ad

  1. rmichals

    You summarize each problem well but what are your images going to look like? For the headphones ad, I am asking you to create an ad that could fit into an existing campaign for that brand. For the hearing loss psa, what is the image that will communicate to the audience how to prevent hearing loss?


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