The High Cost of Poor Health Care

  • The article “The High Cost of Poor Health Care” shows how Americans aren’t  watching what they eat, consequently, the conglomerate dies early and young, because they do not take care of themselves physically, and i would also say mentally. They do not spend enough time to stay in shape, and they keep eating junk foods, regardless of the time. Apparently, Americans only care to fill their stomachs, not knowing the consequences of what can cause the food they ingest.
  • Especially in youth, we can see obese people who really do not pay attention to what they eat, but only care about eating, watching television, playing video games and sleeping.
  • The main point for Health care photography is the portraits of people, they must be happy with what they have, and satisfied with the service, i would create a small group of people, representing the family as the core of society. Most of them wearing white clothes, and different ethnics, such as, Hispanic, African-Americans, White Americans, Asians, to try to show the diversity where we live, New York City. The Technic that i would use, placing the camera and shooting up to the top, and the individuals must be smiling, also i would include children as models.
  • The portrait would be: The subject needs to look happy, confident, secure. Certainly, the portrait should be bright and clean and most likely shot with front light.

Cesar Infante

One thought on “The High Cost of Poor Health Care

  1. rmichals

    You summarize the High Cost of Poor Health Care article well but where are your image ideas? What does a portrait shot for this piece look like?

    For the health insurance ad, certainly, expression will be important. The subject needs to look happy, confident, secure. White clothes are an interesting idea. Certainly, the portrait should be bright and clean and most likely shot with front light. You can experiment with shooting from a low angle. It might work or you might prefer the intimacy of shooting someone at eye level.


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