Health Care

Photography for health care is focused on tight portraits of people. The lighting is mostly on the front face of the subjects. Due to the lighting, the message from the photos is to show viewers that the subjects are happy with the service. For the CoverNY I would use either clam lighting or butterfly lighting, with composition being from the top of the head to the shoulders shooting straight on to the subjects face.

The article “The High Cost of Poor Health Care” is a satire article on how Americans need to take care of themselves better health wise because the health care system in America is horrible compared to other countries. It tells Americans that the excuses that Americans use as a reason to stay health such as “Eating Healthy is Expensive,” “I Don’t Have Time To Exercise,” “An Ounce of Prevention.” The titles poke fun at these excuses by proving the excuses are not valid. By making sure people take care of themselves, Americans can avoid the expensive useless health care program.

One thought on “Health Care

  1. rmichals

    For the portrait for coveredny, front light whether you call it butterfly light or clam shell will flatter the subject and make it easier to communicate the happy confident mood that any health insurance company would want.

    You summarize the High cost of Health Care article well. What kind of portrait do you imagine would work well for this? Maybe split light or short light?


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