The High Cost of Poor Health Care

We have read this article in class, before I start to read it, I was assuming this is going to talk about the real problem of the health Care company. The fact is that this article is talking about bad of American’s life style that lead them become sick, and its painful that medical insuren doesn’t do them their job.

One thought on “The High Cost of Poor Health Care

  1. rmichals

    You make a good observation about the article. The headline and the opening are about the American health insurance industry and then the article goes on to suggest that Americans should improve their lifestyle. So what does an image that illustrates this article look like? I am requiring that it include a portrait. How with the lighting can you make an image that includes this contradiction?

    Also, I asked for some research on the photography used in health insurance ads. What do these images look like? How will you shoot a portrait so it sends the message needed for this kind of ad? and what is that message?


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