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Watch the following Arbor Press animationĀ that I uploaded. Distance Mate.

We want to assemble this Arbor Press today.

1) Download the zip folder and unzip it (right click and select “extract”).

2) Open a new assembly file and import all part files.

3) Assemble them based on the image the Arbor Press that you’ve watched in the youtube video. In terms of the rack and the pinion (gear), we have to set up a special mate called rack pinion of “mechanicalĀ mates”. I put anĀ instructionĀ video here:

4) After finishing 3), create an animation ofĀ Arbor Press which moves pressing down and lifting up. You can motorize it using linear motion (actuator) or rotation motion (motor). (Maybe you can try a linear motion that we haven’t done yet in the class.)

5) Upload your animation to youtube and post the link here!

6) We will discuss this animation next week before the midterm starts.

That’s it!! Enjoy!


Look at the handout that we have (EX12-18 Millimeters)

We have 6 parts: 1) Web Plate, 2) Drive link, 3) Center Link, 4) Rocker link, 5) a 10mm-diameter shaft (10mm long), 6) aĀ 10mm-diameter shaft (15mm long)

I. Create all parts using solidworks
II. Assemble all of them as shown in the handout,
III. Make an animation: Drive link should be motorized and rotate clockwise with either 10 rpm or 60 rpm.
IV. Upload the animation to youtube and post a link to this post.