About Me

Hello, my name is Ashley Chow and welcome to my ePorfolio. I am a nursing student at New York City College of Technology pursing my Bachelors of Science. I currently work as a charge nurse at a sub-acute rehabilitation unit, supervising an amazing team of LPN’s and CNA’s.

When not in school or at work, I enjoy maintaining an active lifestyle. I do a moderate amount of running on my spare time as I am scheduled for many half marathons and a marathon or two throughout the year. During the summers, I paddle for the Electric Dragons dragon boat team. I am a huge advocate of keeping our nurses healthy. We usually fall into poor habits as we are very busy and often exhausted after long shifts. But I still do not think that is an excuse to not have a regular exercise routine and keeping a balanced diet.

This site is here to display various works I developed over the semesters as I continue my growth as a Registered Nurse.