NUR 4130: Reflecting My Strengths

As a professional, we are always asked to question on how we can improve in our career. But in order to meaningfully reflect on ourselves, we need to acknowledge the strengths we carry that make us unique from others. After reflecting on my experiences as a new graduate nurse, I also carry qualities at work that I should appreciate.

The first strength I carry is perseverance. This was first evident when finishing the Associates Nursing Program because it required much of my time studying and practicing for the NCLEX. Even after many failed exams and classes, I had the drive to continue forward. With each class I overcame, the light at the end of the tunnel grew brighter and it only motivated me to continue strong and make it to pinning. But once I finished my Associates Program and passed the NCLEX, the journey did not stop there. There were different challenges when entering the Baccalaureate Nursing Program, including finding part time positons that accept only an Associate Degree. I utilized all the resources available and eventually found two positions that accepted me to practice my nursing skills and work with other professionals at the work level. My first day working after orientation was nerve-wracking as any new position should be. But just like the Associates Program, there was a light at the end of the tunnel that grew brighter the more I continued the process.

The second strength I found in myself was keeping me leveled at stressful situations. I found myself staying calm because the first thing I do is listen. When a client or family member is anxious, I always ask them to explain to me what is on their mind. I also know when to redirect them when they go off tangent with their thoughts that would not be necessary at the time of the conversation. By giving that time for the client and/or family to speak their mind, it also alleviates some of the anxiety. This also helps when a client and/or family is upset about a situation. I always give them the opportunity to explain how they are feeling and I listen to their concerns. I speak with a matter-of-fact tone so they can also take me seriously and see that I care about their concerns and that I am here to make sure something is resolved or they are guided to someone who can resolve their concern.

Finally, the third strength I carry is my responsiveness to a critical situation. I would have to thank my running abilities because I am able to respond to an emergency situation at my facility without losing my breath. In the facility I work at, there are six floors with two slow elevators. A rapid response was required for the top floor and I was working at the second floor. When I heard the speaker say “Code Blue Unit Five”, I bolted up from the second floor to the top floor using the stairs and aided my colleague with CPR. After the incident, my team was joking that they had never seen someone run that quickly and appreciated that I was able to do so. Keeping a healthy lifestyle is important for a professional nurse because it is a laborious job since we need to keep on our feet and tend to different clients from rooms that are on opposite ends.