
The final part of this three part series will end with Justin Bieber.

Bieber is a Canadian singing sensation who took over the scene after his debut album My World which was released in 2009.

Before he was 20 year old Justin Bieber has had a number of legal troubles in many different countries. In 2013 he was charge for vandalism in Brazil. For someone with a huge teen fan base you would expect that his management would try to preserve his image and keep it as clean as possible but not in this case.  In January 2014 Bieber was charged for resisting arrest, drag racing and driving under the influence in Miami. He was released on a $2,500 bond but may face deportation in the future.

My outlook on this situation is that Bieber needs to get it together before he loses it all. There are so many up and coming singers dying to take his spot. I understand he is young, rich and having a fun but I don’t think it worth losing what he worked so hard for to acquire. I wondered what happened because he just went from clean cut pop star to bad boy of pop with no warning (at least Miley Cyrus gave us a hint). With that being said I do believe that a lot of teenage stars want to revamp there persona as an adult and this could just be his way of getting rid of the innocent Bieber image (who knows this may be the real him and the clean cut image may have just been a front). In any event his legal troubles are not really slowing his career down so no harm done (For Now). But he needs to stay out of trouble because all these little legal issues are not worth losing his endorsements or his Visa to work in America.

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