
The topic I chose to discuss today is a question which crosses most undergraduate legal studies students minds at some point. Should I go to Law School and become a lawyer. This question for some people is very complicated while for others  its very simple.

Please be advised the opinions displayed below in this post are based off of conversations I have had with legal professionals.

The reasons to become a lawyer.

The Prestige

There is a prestigious outlook for someone who has completed Law School and has been admitted to the bar and earned the title “Lawyer”.  Even though there are many careers in the world that are just as meaningful and prestige a doctor and a lawyer have always been the titles and professions that are the most impressive. You know when you’re in a social gathering and the question of employment comes up its not bad thing to have that lawyer title under your belt (Don’t let it get to your head though).

Because you love it

Do what you love if practicing law is what you love to do than being a Lawyer is a get career option. To wake up everyday and have a career that you can still love after your tired, stress out & frustrated by it is a great thing. In my opinion its a winning move to have a job that you love.


We all have goals if being a lawyer is one of them than try to make it happen. I think if your goal is to become a lawyer than you should give it a try but keep in mind that the journey wont be easy and you have to stay determined. Now even though for some achieving this goal may not be feasible at this time, if their is a will theres a way. at the end of the day no matter what adversity you face completing a setting and completing a career goal will always give you a moment of joy. What I found interesting was that many people working in corporate business who are CEO, Directors, VP etc. and are Lawyers but just choose not to practice law. But achieving their goal of being a lawyer was enough for them( keep in mind I spoke to a few who just did not like the legal field after a while.)

To help others

No matter if you are working for a plaintiffs or defendants firm you still are defending someone. Whether you like to help others plead their cases or advise someone regarding a contract, you will be helping another person. Even though lawyers at times get a bad repetition their main duty is to make sure their client is full aware of whats going on any not be taken advantage of.

The reason not to


Money is a great thing to have but honestly for a lawyer the money does not always come in as expected (So I Heard). My view on this that if you are going to become a lawyer just for the money theres a risk the money you expect may never come in and you will be MAD (I know I would be). A lot of people are money driven and thats ok but that should not be the only reason why you want to pursue this career.


If you are uncertain if you want be a lawyer then thats a real problem you don’t want to invest time nor money in something you know you may not complete or truly don’t have any interest in.

Therefore  my opinion on what to do after you receive a legal studies degree is to evaluate what you really want to do with it. I recommend to network with people in the legal field and find out what other options are out their an how they are obtainable because not everyone with a legal studies degree wants to become a lawyer. Research in this field is essential so why not research other options. Having more than one option in your preferred career field gives you leverage and flexibility in that market.

The reason I choose to get into the legal field was honestly a accident that went right. I initial enrolled into a technical school to become a court reporter (reason they make lots of money!). I registered late and the court reporting program was closed until next semester so I decided to join the paralegal program instead. I was young and did not know to much about business and how the law worked so I was basically clueless of when it came to understanding my contract and negotiating a better deal. After completing my legal studies degree (associates) I become more marketable in the business field and I was capable of understanding my rights as a employee, civilian and a tenant. Now do I want to become a lawyer? maybe…..the reason why I say maybe is because it depends on where I’m at in my life at the time of graduation(from city tech). Life is a journey that we sometimes don’t know what to expect. Personally I feel being a successful lawyer is a commitment similar to marriage and right now where just in the stage of engagement.






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