Archive for April, 2014

Tarantino vs Gawker

                                                                The dangers of “predatory journalism”

                To use the oddly violent imagery of Quentin Tarantino, Gawker is seen by his eyes as a piranha. What is Gawker? Gawker is a gossip website that has a tendency to spill the beans on whatever the hell is going on in Hollywood. Think TMZ and you won’t be far off. Now what relation does the famous film director Tarantino has to do with Gawker? Apparently, Gawker linked a screenplay of his and the Django director is looking for some payback via lawsuit.

                From what I know, Tarantino is a guy who likes to make violent movies with a lot of funny dialogue. Fanboy stuff. If you have Netflix, I recommend you look up one of his movies to get a idea of what I’m talking about. Yet, he’s kind of got of a reputation of being a reckless with his themes; whether its for being too gory, too racy, and too demeaning.

Now he’s accused Gawker of doing “predatory journalism” (hence: piranha). In what may be pre-emptive action for future offenses, he is suing Gawker for linking a script without his consent. I think he’s trying to raise an issue with copyright laws and invasion of privacy. After all, Tarantino isn’ your run-of-the-mill director. He’s got a name and a reputation.

Anyways, who’s right and who’s wrong. Is Tarantino overreacting or is he protecting his rights?


Coming Soon!!

Hi Everyone,

The Mission of my blog is to inform readers about legal matters that made big headlines in entrainment industry. This blog will consist of my opinions and views on the topics that I choose to post.