Interview with Virginia Sanchez

This project was assigned to make a video. In this video, we had to interview a classmate. The first step was to make up at least 6 to 10 questions. During this interview, we had to find out more about the person being interviewed. Also, this project was connected to our weekly topic about audio.

My partner was Virginia Sanchez, I ask her more professional questions rather than personal. I just wanted to learn about her future plans. in the making of this video, one of the struggles was to find a quiet and right lighting room to record. Since we were still during class hours there were many voices in the background.

Also while editing the video I was struggling so much because I never had edit a video before. There were so many settings going on. I just try my best to edit well this video. I add text and music. The only thing I couldn’t get right was the editing of the audio, but at least I like how this video came out.