Rough Drafts Submitted…

Working on the the content for snap chat, I created 6 different filters to give different variety for birthdays and regular customers that come in. I notice a lot of the things they had was very serious and that is why they don’t really interact more  on social site. This business based their popularity more on word of mouth than they do with advertising commercially. Slowly trying to lighten up wit their younger consumers.

Today I made some tweaks and I emailed my work (hoping its good enough to use ) . My next task is to design the shirts and they want me to sketch out how their new break room could look like but they need to visualize it first before under go construction.   Very excited that am experiencing new things.  Today was short day but I am slowly getting with the drift with learning the ropes around here.


This is one of many filters I made testing on the site.

Straight to work…

They always say first days are always the easiest. I sure didn’t feel that way. When I walked in I had a little work area to do my everything. When I was sitting there I felt my heart beat in my ears. When I came in  I was introduce to a girl name Sofia, which was another girl that had been there for a bit, doing Chris’s social media stuff on facebook and twitter. Chris told me if I needed anything to ask Sofia she had all the logos and png files.

I was a bit quite at first then we started to talk about how she first started here and she was trying to make me less tense. It work as we were working we got to converse on different subjects such as cartoons and music.  We than started  talking about the projects we are working on. She was doing a promo for a special for the business so she was designing the web banners to post on the media. I then told her my idea about snap chat and since we are both “snappers”  we was talking about different possibilities. We enjoyed our time working together.

First days are not easiest but it is the scariest but in that scare made a good acquaintance and off to a good start.

Before the Interview

I was recommended by a friend for this interview at a company named Indoor Extreme Sports. He gave a good word for me as a graphic designer and illustrator. Before this recommendation, I was slightly panicking that I don’t really have experience on resume that would  hire me anywhere. I just thought of the possibilities of not getting a job anywhere.

The day of the interview I as was very nervous. Holding my portfolio pieces that I thought was the most adequate even though it was mixed with graphic design . I had mixed comments I got from fellow piers and friends.  I sat in the lobby until he came out and he greeted me with smile and stated his name ” Hello Chris, the owner of this facility”.  We went t his office and sat at the rectangular glass table .  We proceed to the interview. “I am looking for someone that can really help out. ( my heart dropped)   Help plan out a way to make the facility more appealing to the eye.” All I did was nodded as he continued “I want to attract more social media attention but out of ideas.” It it hit me and I waited till he was done and I stated ” have you ever heard of geo-filters for snap chat.  It sounds like you receive a lot of customers and the new rage it snap chat where you can create a business filters and some people will post their snap photos on Instagram. ” I took out a piece of paper and I started to sketch out things for him.

He loved the idea, he asked to see my work and I was panicking as he was looking through my work . He looked at me and asked when I can start , I had the biggest  and replied as soon as possible.