Webinar : 5 Essential Tips for Developing a Brand

Coming across this webinar I thought of it as a beneficial factor for two main things, the internship I was in and developing my own nameĀ for a company. There was many things this man by the name of Christopher Simmons. There was many key factor he sated that when creating a logo do it in black or white to see it qualifications as a logo


He thank showed many samples what can me used orĀ more so an idea in what direction to take but again only that would express the logo in a better manner.

screenshot-45Ā Then the process of finding its origins knowing more about the company if you can take it originality and modifier it to be more on the modern side to make something as average into high business. Taking color variation and schemes enable to develop a good campaign.


Here is that basic out look of the logo a red scooter but the image below you can see the variation of how the logo will be best supportable for the company. th other thing he stated about the logo that if you are able to wear it on a shirt its a good design.

screenshot-43 screenshot-44

screenshot-51Ā  Sample shirt view.



Webinar Express: 5 Essential Tips for Developing a Brand