The second networking event I attended was the one at our school “Meet Dr.Cherly D. Miller”. Dr.Cherly D. Miller was the host for this event. She talked about wanting to increase the recognition of black designers. Since her time in the industry, she has seen how many black designers aren’t being recognized for the work they have created.
Hearing her talk about this made me open my eyes. I thought that in this industry everyone no matter what race the person was would get the recognition they deserve, but I was wrong. Cheryl talks about how she thinks it is important to help these black designers get the recognition they deserve which is why she creates spaces for black designers so they can thrive and show their talent and work. She also encourages other people to do the same by creating events or organizations where black designers can show off their work. Honestly, this networking event was very informative and taught us how our industry is at the moment and that not everyone gets recognized for the hard work they create. Hopefully, in the future, I can try and help not only black designers but other people who’s work is underappreciated.