Non-STEM Page 1


My poster project is based on the Rich History of Cannoli. I conducted an Empirical Research which is research based on the collection of data that I implemented reading books, articles, visiting bakeries and making cannoli at home. I decided to research cannoli because it is an Italian pastry that was originated in two different cities in the same region Palmero and Caltanissetta, it’s made differently in different places, and I also researched it to discover the extension of its shelf life. The presence of ricotta cheese which is used to fill cannoli is what limits the pastry’s shelf life. Adding natural antimicrobial agent, lemon extract to ricotta is my discovery to prevent its deterioration.


Napoleons, Beef Wellington, and Apple Turnovers. Although all drastically different, these dishes share an ingredient. Puff pastry. Puff pastry has great range in its uses and applications. Once an elite product, puff pastry is now celebrated as an accessible ingredient that can elevate any dish. Through market and consumer research, I found that puff pastry is currently being used for small breakfast/dessert items that are simple and nostalgic. Since consumers’ tastes are constantly evolving, regular market research is necessary.


My research project aims to introduce psychedelic therapy and its effects as a new mental health treatment alternative. Historically, the use of psychedelic drugs has been a controversial topic that has now made its way into modern medicine producing results like no other mental health treatment we have seen before. I wanted to showcase the effectiveness of this therapy and hope to educate and open the minds of those interested in this groundbreaking treatment. With the ongoing clinical trials and astonishing outcomes, psychedelic therapy may very well be the future of medicine.



New York City College of Technology’s NYCCT IFMA Student Club constructed a new constitution, after the original one was not immediately found. Student club constitutions are important documents created to instill order, structure, impartiality, and stability, through rules and regulations. This research process focused on conducting online classroom surveys, reviewing other IFMA collegiate clubs constitution literature, interviewing organizations, hypothesizing the professionalism of the new constitution structure will determine the success of the club, by using quantitative methods like attendance, member’s work schedule, etc. The result was a sophisticated document that included an emblem, motto, alumni and program chair committee members.


 In many small businesses, social media is utilized in order to help scale and increase brand awareness. In this case, the type of content utilized in the content strategy of the business online is extremely important educational content is one of the most intriguing types content marketing which can entice your consumer to give their attention to your business. A traditional content marketing approach is different in which it promotes the businesses products or service, but does not really attend to the needs of the consumer. Educational content marketing answers many questions for our consumers, and integrates their feedback in your content strategy. Teaching and explaining the basics of your industry to the same consumers who will be purchasing from you, demonstrates your brand knowledge and increases trust between the brand and consumers. Utilizing a unique marketing strategy that’s not yet very popular, can also make your brand stand out & help dominate market share. Educational content marketing on social media can help take your brand to new levels with your consumer base, as seen in this experiment.