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Several health issues can be associated with urban heat islands (UHI). Better analysis is needed to predict the behaviors of UHI and the effects of UHI on high-density urban environments. The objective of this study is to improve the spatio-temporal resolution of the land surface temperature (LST) readings. Given that there is no satellite that provides high spatial and temporal resolution data. LST data from the Landsat-8 and GOES-16 satellites were combined to produce a downscaled high spatio-temporal resolution of 30m every 5 minutes. When validated against independent Landsat images, the downscaled estimated showed a reasonable agreement (-0.09K to +3.30K). However, the GOES-16 satellite has a spatial resolution of 2km and temporal resolution of 5 minutes while the LST data from the Landsat-8 satellite has a spatial resolution of 30m and temporal resolution of 16 days. This study demonstrates that using downscaling methods, we may develop a virtual satellite capable of producing a high spatio-temporal resolution while potentially saving billions of dollars.


Green hybrid renewable energy systems should be a norm in inner-city communities, as they provide green sustainable power for residents. Compact micro–Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) hybrid systems are beneficial in citified infrastructures, as conventional Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT) are too large, with continuous vibrations that impact soil-structure stability; resulting in pressure uplift of the foundation. Modified compact VAWTs are smaller, more efficient where space is limited, have vertically aligned turbine blades, and reinforced coneshape concrete foundation; that decrease the resonance of soil-structure interaction. Therefore, compact micro are necessary to achieve inner-city carbon footprint reduction and sustainable power.


Our squad is largely concerned with the student life component of the city tech. design website. Our primary purpose is to promote the City Tech comd design department to potential new students and encourage them to enroll in this City Tech department. Other uses for the site include showcasing student work, showcasing graduate accomplishments, and sharing event dates with current City Tech students for activities such as club meetings, lecture series, and exhibitions. The major goal of the student advisement website is to keep enrolled students informed about upcoming events and activities within the Department. also for Faculty office hours, registration advice, and other student-required inquiries. The faculty communications website will primarily be used to communicate with and inform the 70+ full-time and part-time faculty about the COMD program. Only this portion of the site will show or discuss deadlines for various activities expected of teachers during the academic year, as well as modifications to programs.


Fossil fuels used today as the main source of energy have a limited lifespan and a high environmental cost. Concerns about climate change and global warming are progressively raising in developed societies, which are trying to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels to generate energy. Renewable energy sources are being explored as a true alternative. These sources (biomass, hydropower, geothermal, wind, solar, etc.) are naturally replenishing but flow-limited. The aim of this literature research was to evaluate and identify alternative sources of energy instead of fossil fuels. The alternatives that will we searched were specifically, biofuels, hydrogen, and green energy sources which are all known as renewable but we found out that Hydrogen can be made directly from fossil fuels or biomass, or it can be produced by passing electricity through water, breaking the water into its constituent components of hydrogen and oxygen.


Dynamics of criminal networks such as Drug cartel or Terrorists networks are very different than social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram. Analyzing such networks is important to develop good strategies for efficient disruption by law enforcement personnel. Here in this project we created some small networks and studied these networks using some centrality measures to locate key players, strategists, and the leaders of these networks. The main goal is to mimic these measurement techniques to implement on a real drug cartel network and to provide these information to law enforcement personnel for them to plan a strategic and timely intervention and disruption.


Our research project is to collect data on the pre-existing knowledge the public has on what it means to be a radiologic technologist, as well as to inform the public about the determination and diligence it takes to be a technologist in the radiologic field. There are often misconceptions of being considered as “technicians” who only “press a button all day long”; when in fact it is much more than that. The importance of this research is to open the perception of radiologic technologists and illustrate the actual knowledge and work it requires to be in this career field. Data was collected through SurveyMonkey and posted on various social media platforms to reach the audience; we had a total of 100 participants. From the results, it was revealed that the majority of the participants didn’t know how much more knowledge, besides the anatomy, is required for a ‘Radiologic Technologist’. Therefore, it would be wise to spread more information about this profession, so the public knows who they are, what they do and most of all that these rad techs were one of the many frontline workers during the hardest time in the world- the pandemic!


Refugees are people who have been forced to leave their country for various reasons like escaping from war, political conflict, violence, natural disaster, poverty, or persecution for reasons of race, religion, or association with a particular group. According to the United Nations, around 84 million people were forcibly displaced by 2021. In this project, we investigated the origin of displacements, the reasons of displacements, and the hosting countries of refugees by analyzing data which is obtained from the United Nations of High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The source of the most refugees at the moment is Syria with 6.7 million refugees who had fled their homes. The country who is hosting the most refugees is Turkey, 3.7 million refugees have taken shelter in Turkey.


Our names are Edgar Aponte and Jacob Gomez and we are Applied Mathematics majors at City Tech. Our mentor is Prof. Isaacson and we conducted an analysis of non-comparison based sorting algorithms. We implemented 2 non-comparison based sorting algorithms from psuedocode, Counting Sort and Radix Sort, and elaborated on them in our poster. We analyzed the running times of these sorting algorithms and compared them to comparison based sorting algorithms with various sets of unsorted data. We found that Radix Sort was the fastest and most efficient sorting algorithm of them all.
