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In any science class that consists of lectures and laboratory hours, as students, it is our understanding that lectures cover most theoretical aspects of the concept while labs are hands-on experiences. It is a primary requirement to make students familiar with lab equipment, uses, and safety precautions, thereby, helping to prevent or eliminate hazards. dependent variables – students’ and instructors’ attitudes towards the lab activity, and the nature of the experiment. Hence, making it equally important to acknowledge what students’ ideas are regarding the role and purpose of laboratory. Moreover, students who designed an experiment or procedure will find the laboratory hours more useful. This survey aims at suggesting that an effective way for students to have better hands-on organic chemistry I labs, is by initially giving background information about the lab activity and then allowing students to explore on their own while giving room for new discoveries. After all, experimenting and making mistakes is a necessary part of a laboratory learning experience.


Our research project entails the comparison of NDVI and LST of Haffen and Truman Park located in the northern part of the Bronx. One background that we had already is the fact that the Northern part of the Bronx has more plants and grass compared to the land surface of the southern part. With that said, we decided to take two parks from the Northern part and investigate the relationship between their NDVI and LST. Methods such as google earth engine code editor and Landsat 8 were all used to build our analysis for the research. Polygons were also created to show the boundaries of the parks. After the analysis were made, we saw that the NDVI’s were different, however the LST’s were similar. Truman Park has a higher NDVI due to the higher percent of vegetative land cover. This shows how much a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index play a role to influence the land surface temperature. This research taught us well on writing specific codes and assignments on the google code editor in figuring out the land surface temperature and other properties of land coverage. For further investigations, correlations will be done as well to quantify the relationship of these two variables spoken about here.


Our research is about how the recycling process can be improved and how can we make sustainable energy from our waste. We know it is possible to make energy form our waste, however it causes our environment to degrade faster and burn our atmosphere. In our research we looked at the how we recycle textile products since we use a lot of water and chemicals to repurpose them. We also looked at how the EU handles their waste, and they have ways in creating energy. Overall, they are heading in the right direction even if early in this kind of process like getting back materials from full products


Drought is a shortage of water compared to a ‘normal’ level. It is a gradually developing phenomenon that impacts many sectors of society, the economy and the biosphere & hydrosphere. According to Denchak (2018), in the United States, droughts result in “an average toll of $9.6 billion in damage and loss per event,” making it the second-most expensive natural catastrophe. The Northeastern Drought was one of the worst droughts in U.S. history, where groundwater levels reached new record lows and extreme dryness paved the way to fire hazard. For effective drought monitoring and response, better understanding of the patterns of drought onset, persistence, and impacts across the Northeast is needed. Through this temporal study, we will analyze the frequency of droughts reported in the Northeast climate region, specifically Delaware and New Jersey. The United States Drought Monitor (USDM) and National Oceanic &Atmospheric Administration’s Storm Events Database (SED) provide the temporal drought monitoring data used in this research. With the support of indexed and illustrated data, we can begin to witness drought trends and variance in drought monitoring methodology. Analysis of news articles and editorials are also used to bring context to the quantitative drought evidence. This analysis can assist in visualizing each state’s contribution to the overall drought metrics of the northeast climate region.


Fossil fuels used today as the main source of energy have a limited lifespan and a high environmental cost. Concerns about climate change and global warming are progressively raising in developed societies, which are trying to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels to generate energy. Renewable energy sources are being explored as a true alternative. These sources (biomass, hydropower, geothermal, wind, solar, etc.) are naturally replenishing but flow-limited. The aim of this literature research was to evaluate and identify alternative sources of energy instead of fossil fuels. The alternatives that will we searched were specifically, biofuels, hydrogen, and green energy sources which are all known as renewable but we found out that Hydrogen can be made directly from fossil fuels or biomass, or it can be produced by passing electricity through water, breaking the water into its constituent components of hydrogen and oxygen.


To determine building loads, it is necessary for commercial building owners and managers to understand the importance of infiltration through openings in buildings. Modeling infiltration rates through such openings as doors and windows is complicated as it involves with various factors. Accurate modeling of infiltration rates is of importance since it directly affect the prediction of building energy consumption and building performance modeling. It will promote a decrease in carbon emissions in buildings that account for approximately 40% of the primary energy consumption in the nation.



The whole aim of the research is to view the comparison of students from the Radiology Department’s performance and attendance before, during, and after the pandemic. Since the pandemic started the whole CUNY system has transitioned from in-person classes to online classes and recently this spring semester was the first semester to open back for on-campus interaction. Students went from an online platform to an in-person platform. Despite the fact that Radiology is a hands-on program, online learning was quite different from in-person learning, where you have the resources you need to succeed and you have the same interaction with people that you received by sitting behind a screen, but it still has its differences. By now being back on campus in spring 2022, we can provide feedback on comparing the before, during, and after the pandemic on which was enhanced. It will also reflect if there was an improvement before the pandemic, when online classes started, or after the pandemic when in person classes started again. We will further this research as a longitudinal research design for further studies.


This work had two goals. First to understand consistency of photon intensity and intensity variation in soft, low energy mammographic x-ray beams as it is the main instrument for all of our mineral diffusion studies. It seemed to be at an acceptable range of 1-2% at the low energy range and gets better at higher energies. The second goal was to detect any x-ray absorption change in mechanical stressed samples that was also observed in a fruit models like apples.  This could be again due to release and accumulation of minerals from biological reservoirs of apple phantom due to mechanical shocks applied. Our MRI collaborators verified that blunt trauma causes metal release in mineral rich pineapples detectable by MRI. This is important since during global warming at least a billion people will have to suffer through 120 degree F for several weeks every year and our work suggests we should understand metal ion release from tissue proteins and enzymes which can cause significant organ failure.
