OGUZHAN- Unphotographable

1. This is a picture I did not take of a woman driving a car, steering with her right hand while talking on her cellphone, which she held in her left, pressed against her left ear, while simultaneously clutching (with her left pinky and ring finger) a double-scoop ice cream cone, which (while she waited for traffic to clear so she could make her turn) was melting onto the phone and dripping onto her hair and her ear in the unexpectedly hot middle of a spring afternoon.

2.This is a picture I did not take of an airborne fistful of pennies, flung from the open window of a limousine, idling on deserted 7th Avenue, early on a warm May morning in Manhattan.

3.This is a picture I did not take of a woman in fitness workout wear; running shoes, shorts and an active top; standing by herself in a deserted aisle of a flourescent-lit supermarket, her arms crossed in front of her chest, tears smearing her cheeks while she unwaveringly stared at the store’s selection of baby diapers.

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