Category: Announcements (Page 2 of 2)

Exam #1 Grades are posted

Hi everyone,

Your grades for Exam #1 are posted in the OpenLab Gradebook. Note that you have to be logged in to the OpenLab and you must have previously joined this course in order to see the Gradebook — if you are a logged-in member, look for Check Your Grade in the right sidebar, or go to Dashboard > OpenLab GradeBook.

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MAT 2680 Update 2/8/23

Hi everyone,

As you know, I haven’t been in class or office hours this week – my regrets for this, a health issue prevented me from attending. However, I expect to be back next week, and I look forward to seeing you then. I wanted to share two important announcements:

Upcoming weirdness in the college schedule:

The next two weeks have a number of unusual days at the college, including:

  • COLLEGE CLOSED: Monday, February 13th. NOTE: our class does not meet.
  • COLLEGE CLOSED: Monday, February 20th. NOTE: our class does not meet.
  • Tuesday February 21st FOLLOWS A MONDAY SCHEDULE. NOTE: our class *does* meet.

WeBWorK Assignment deadlines extended

I have extended the deadlines for upcoming WeBWorK assignments – this will give us a chance to meet before they are due (our next class meeting is next Wednesday, February 15th). New due dates are as follows (recall assignments are due at midnight on the due date):

  • Nonhomogeneous Linear: February 15th
  • Separable: February 15th
  • Homogeneous-YoverX: February 21st
  • Bernoulli-nosub: February 21st
  • Exact: February 22nd

However, I encourage you to keep working on these assignments – and feel free to send me specific questions by email (include a photo of your work).

Best of luck to you all – see you next week.

Prof. Reitz

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