Day 2 of culinary class

Today everyone was up and ready in the lobby at 6:50am. we made our way back to the Saint-Plerre Institute, however today we went on our own without the professors. It was the first time we all took the N metro line together. It was our second and last day at the Saint-Plerre Institut school for our culinary class with chef Mary who lead group B and chef Nicoli who lead group A. We made several hors d’oeuvres . I was in group A who were in charge of  making mushroom filled crepes,different wraps, kabobs and more. Group B made mini burgers, blinis, pate and more. We also had help from our 3 new friends who were students in their 3rd year from the school. Today we had all three helps on group A’s side. Their names were Sam( Sam Sam), Ralph and Ewann. They’ve been helping us for the past day and they bring a little fun into the kitchen while assisting. After we were all finish we plated all our dishes and took them to the little courtyard. Another group of students had to accompany us however they were unable to make it. The head of the school Mr.Bruno gave a little speech before handing out certificates to everyone in completing our 2 days. Then we all ate everything we made and took photos. We got to know our new friends a little more and thanked our two chefs and Mr. Bruno for having us and allowing us to have this amazing two days. After eating and mingling for a while it was time for us to clean up and head back to the hotel. We all walked to the bus to head to the D. We got a little lost at first but found our way. After getting off the D the group split up and went their separate ways. Some went back to the hotel to catch up on sleep and others went to shopping and that includes our day of June 20th. 

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