Monthly Archives: June 2023

Final day of group walking tour presentations

Pere Lachaise Cemetary

Today was the final day of walking tour projects. Although the weather was terrible the show still went on and we first visited Pere Lachaise cemetery where we got to see burial grounds of well known poet Oscar Wilde as well as others who were buried there. We next got to visit Notre Dame where my group presented and although we weren’t physically able to go inside we still shared lots of important facts with our classmates. Then finally we got to visit the Jardin de Luxemberg where we were able to bask in the beauty that the garden had to offer. We also we’re able to do our final tour of Paris where we did our restaurant history tour. We visited the Church Saint-Eustace, the oldest Pastry shop in Paris and Au Pied de chochon and some students got to purchase culinary and baking tools while we visited Sas E. Dehillerin.

Day 2 of culinary class

Today everyone was up and ready in the lobby at 6:50am. we made our way back to the Saint-Plerre Institute, however today we went on our own without the professors. It was the first time we all took the N metro line together. It was our second and last day at the Saint-Plerre Institut school for our culinary class with chef Mary who lead group B and chef Nicoli who lead group A. We made several hors d’oeuvres . I was in group A who were in charge of  making mushroom filled crepes,different wraps, kabobs and more. Group B made mini burgers, blinis, pate and more. We also had help from our 3 new friends who were students in their 3rd year from the school. Today we had all three helps on group A’s side. Their names were Sam( Sam Sam), Ralph and Ewann. They’ve been helping us for the past day and they bring a little fun into the kitchen while assisting. After we were all finish we plated all our dishes and took them to the little courtyard. Another group of students had to accompany us however they were unable to make it. The head of the school Mr.Bruno gave a little speech before handing out certificates to everyone in completing our 2 days. Then we all ate everything we made and took photos. We got to know our new friends a little more and thanked our two chefs and Mr. Bruno for having us and allowing us to have this amazing two days. After eating and mingling for a while it was time for us to clean up and head back to the hotel. We all walked to the bus to head to the D. We got a little lost at first but found our way. After getting off the D the group split up and went their separate ways. Some went back to the hotel to catch up on sleep and others went to shopping and that includes our day of June 20th. 

Paris, Gastronomic Capital Of The World Since The Middle Ages

It was amazing that they provided the guests with a device to scan the barcode to virtual be back in time to see how history was created and the events that took place. The device was Histopad.
This a warmer for bread that they used back in the ages.
This is made out of all bread and protected with a layer coat to keep the lifetime storage.
This is an image of how the men prison cell looked.

I loved the visit because I learned so much history and about food. I learned about the first chef named Taillevent who prepared the royal banquet on Jan 6,1378.I was able to see the first recipe created which contained 3 course menu. Back in the Ages the high class received the fresh cooked food. The lower class received left overs from the when the high class finished eating. Often, the high class would sell their leftovers to the lower class in order for them to eat. In the common kitchen the floor was made a way that it would be easier to clean blood off the floor. Was able to see a virtual view of Marie Antoinette prison cell and the Revolutionary Court.

1st day of culinary lab class

It is the first time to have a cooking class at Saint-Pierre Institut culinary school! Everyone cooks different dishes. Madelyn and I prepared Caneles Magne Bordelais together and can make this dessert tomorrow. It was great that we could eat lunch together as a big group. I’m glad that everyone had fun at cooking from this class. We learned a lot from the culinary lab at the same time.

Saint-Pierre culinary school

Macaroon Tour & Wine Tasting

Today we had a special tasting! Macaroon tasting with Johnny @lebonparistours. Unfortunately, the whole class could not go so we were separated in groups. I was in group a meaning we were the first ones who gained the tasting experience. 

Here is a photo of Group A leaving the hotel at 9:00am

All of us had to meet with our student liaison (Madelyn) to get to our destination.

We took the N RER that takes us to Montparnasse then we transferred to N4 p the de cilignancourt stopped at Saint German des Pres.

All of us arrived early to our destination! Professor Zinder & Johnny Arrived. He introduced himself talked about the tour. The objective of it was to try all macaroons from 4 locations (Richart, Laduree, Maison George Larner, Arnaudlarher, and Mulot . He provided markers to write down our Favorite flavors. 

Richart : Johnny Presented a Menu from Richart. The Chocolate and Vanilla macaroons are from Madagascar. Orange Blossom and Rose was mentioned to be just like perfume. We also learned that the establishment has a brand-new apricot flavor. 

Laduree :Most famous bakeshop in France and Worldwide Since 1800’s. The original owner had a change of career and so this is where it all started John mentioned to us how much he likes the Theme and Color descriptions. Employees look professional with their attire! Which surprised me because you would never see a bakery employee like that? 

Historical Facts: Macaroons started in 1500’s, The traditional macaroon was not colorful like it is today. It was described just as a “Sugar Cookie”. The ingredients of Macaroon: Sugar, Almond, Flour. ETC. Back then, it was only almond paste. Later, color was added. 


Maison George : John provided history of the shop. He told us that George’s father was in the pastry field. Then he enrolled hater. Being quite successful, he had his first truck where he sold French fries. Then opened his first bakeshop and won Meilleur Ouvrier De France (Where president of France Gives the Award) 

Arnardlarhe : Received Title Of Les Incontournables du Chocolatc Francis Has Several Pastries like Chocolat Noir, Praline Noisette and More. I was fascinated to see Fraiser and Cheesecake Louise

Mulot: Opened in 1970 and use organic ingredients. On other side, there are traditional macaroons in display from back then. Several of them had different colors / designs. 

Arrived at Luxembourg Garden, Johnny distributed a Macaroon Rate Sheet. Where we would decide on Size, Color, Crunch, Taste, and Overall Impression. Everyone had an amazing experience.

We ended our visit with a group photo along with a beautiful view. 

Wine Tasting With Tanisha Townsend

Our Last Wine tasting Rose Champagne ! Our Guest provided information such as her personal experience and wine facts / techniques we did not know about . It was an amazing session 🙂

Activity June 15. Marché International de Rungis & Hôtel Paris Bastille Boutet-MGallery

Today was a busy day as we completed two exciting activities. We started our journey visiting one of the principal markets of Paris, “Rungis International Market,” located at 1 Rue de la Tour, 94150 Rungis. The market is the second largest wholesale food market in the world, and we learned a lot about their products. We separated into two groups to avoid any accidents as people were working and transporting their products in large quantity via small cars. Philipe was our tour guide, and he was great at describing every area of the market. Rungis Market is important for Parisians because they value spending money on food and recipes and enjoy cooking. The market opened 54 years ago in 1969. It imports products from different parts of the world like seafood from Greece, vegetables and fruits from Brazil, Peru, and Colombia, and meats from Uruguay, Argentina, and Japan. Twenty five different companies exist within the marketplace. To place an order, a customer must talk to the owner and negotiate. An interesting fact we learned from the tour that some chickens alive for 120 before going to the market other chickens deemed red label chickens are alive for at least 75 days before going to the market in boxes. Also, during Covid, there were some restaurants inside the market that remained open and were considered essential, unlike other restaurants in the area. Something I noticed on the tour was that there weren’t many females working in the area. Overall I had a great experience and found it interesting to see how Parisian restaurants get their fresh products. After the tour, we returned to the hotel to rest before continuing our journey to visit the Hotel Paris Bastille Boutet-MGallery. The hotel was located at 22 24 Rue Faidherbe in the heart of the authentic Bastille district and near Marais, a new 5-star hotel. The Hotel Paris Bastille Boutet-MGallery lies within a historical building, the Maison Boutet. From wood manufacturing to a chocolaterie, it has all of its original charm. The hotel is exclusive and one-of-a-kind with 80 rooms and suites and 10 terraces showcasing its unique character. Its spa has two treatment rooms, a swimming pool, sauna, and a fitness room. The bar offers light meals and chocolate treats.