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Exam #2 Grades are posted

Hi everyone,

Your grades for Exam #2 are posted in the OpenLab Gradebook. Note that you have to be logged in to the OpenLab and you must have previously joined this course in order to see the Gradebook — if you are a logged-in member, look for Check Your Grade in the right sidebar, or go to Dashboard > OpenLab GradeBook.

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Numerical Methods Calculator Examples

Numerical Methods Calculators can be built in any programming language or other tool capable of basic computation. The following examples all compute the answer to this exercise (also covered in class):

Exercise. Given the initial value problem $y’ = 3 – 2x – 0.5y, y(0)=1$, approximate the value of $y(1)$ using Euler’s Method with 10 intervals.

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Midsemester Grades are posted

Hi everyone,

Your Midsemester Grades are available in the OpenLab Gradebook. These grades are not a part of your official academic record – they are intended as check-in on how you are doing in the class.

The Midsemester grade will be one of the following: P=Pass, BL=Borderline, U=Unsatisfactory. It is based on your Midsemester average, which is calculated as follows:

  • Homework 35% – based on WeBWorK completed so far
  • OpenLab 15% – this includes the initial writing assignment on the OpenLab (Advice from the past)
  • Exams 50% – this includes exams #1 and #2

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns,

Prof. Reitz

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